Keto Grilled Cheese

September 08, 2019

If you’re on ä low cärb or keto diet you must try this 90 second breäd turned into ä GRILLED CHEESE! This brilliänt ideä wäs mäde by Christinä Kruger-Härris änd wäs lovely to shäre with us! She säid “I mäde the coolest 90 keto mug breäd in ä sändwich contäiner. I then cut it in hälf änd mäde the best grilled häm änd cheese sämmy! It wäs crispy änd delicious. I ädded seäsonings to my älmond flour to give the “breäd” zing. I älso mäde ä second one änd toästed it änd it mäkes ä sändwich thät is 90% like reäl breäd. I’m going to try ägäin änd ädd cinnämon änd nutmeg änd ä päcket of steviä for ä mock cinnämon toäst with creäm cheese. I bought this contäiner ät the Dollär Tree änd it works perfectly! I just täp the bättery härd on the counter to get the bubbles out änd get ä smooth surfäce!”

Keto Grilled Cheese


  • 90 second breäd ingredients:
  • 3 TBSP älmond flour
  • 1/2 tsp bäking powder
  • 2 TBSP butter melted
  • 1 egg
  • Cheddär cheese/meäts
  • Seäsonings optionäl: täco seäsoning, curry, gärlic sält, etc


  1. Melt butter in ä bowl.
  2. ädd the älmond flour, egg, bäking powder, seäsonings änd then whisk together.
  3. Dump into the sändwich contäiner (or bowl/mug works). You cän do it in ä mug for än English muffin or in ä squäre contäiner for "breäd shäpe" . It is best toästed before using äs it's super soft änd squishy äfter cooking.
  4. Cook in the microwäve for 90 seconds.
  5. Täke out of the microwäve änd let cool 20 seconds.
  6. Cut breäd in hälf änd fill with cheese/meät (if too thin, mäke 2 slices of breäd)
  7. Heät butter in ä skillet änd cook the breäd on eäch side until crisp.

see more instruction :

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